
What is Zip Slip?

Know about the Zip Slip vulnerability.

Understanding Dirty COW - The Linux Kernel Exploit

Dirty COW is a computer security vulnerability that was discovered in the Linux Kernel in 2016. The exploit was registered under CVE …

What is an Electronic Nose?

Alexander Graham Bell once said- “Did you ever measure a smell? Can you tell whether one smell is just twice strong as another? Can you …

Exploits & Vulnerabilities with Introduction to Metasploit

Exploits and Vulnerabilities In computer security, a vulnerability is a weakness which can be exploited by a Threat Actor like an …

File Permissions in Unix/Linux

File Permissions Unix & Linux provides Read(r),Write(w) and Execute(x) permissions to any file on the system. If you ls -l every …

The Virtual File System

File Systems In Linux Linux works on the concept of virtual file systems. Everything on a Linux/Unix system is a file. Here is a brief …

How Your Computer Starts

Every computer follows a standard boot sequence when it starts up. BIOS (Basic Input Output System) The CPU runs an instruction in …

A Guide to Partitions & Partitioning Drives in Linux

Linux has completely different naming conventions while mounting drives as compared to Windows. /dev/sda,/dev/sdb,/dev/sdc etc. are the …

PATH Environment Variable in Linux/Unix

What is the $PATH environment variable? Every Linux & Unix System has several environment variables which are dynamic variables …

Virtualisation in Operating Systems

Virtualisation is the process of creating a virtual version of a physical object. Virtualisation is of three types primarily: 1. …